For some reason there continues to be searches for whether or not Justin Bieber is dead. Hot searches today include "did Justin Bieber died" and "Justin Bieber dead TMZ". The kid has a lot of fans interested in his life. There's yet to be any official announcement of a Justin Bieber death though. So did Justin Bieber die or is this another internet hoax?
Update: There appears to have been a fake FoxNews website someone created that reported Justin Bieber was dead. That account has since been suspended by Zimic IRC the hosting company.
The singer is not dead over on TMZ, because they don't have any news of his death. Not that TMZ should be an official news source, but they are on top of all things celebrity. Neither does CNN, USAToday or a host of other top news sources. The latest news story you'll see about Bieber is regarding his manager Scott "Scooter" Braun who apparently is facing legal charges over a Twitter reckless endangerment case. Yikes! You can read more about the full situation here. Basically Scooter didn't send out a Tweet to Bieber's fans fast enough to prevent chaos at a mall signing event by Bieber and it resulted in injuries. Amazing how not tweeting fast enough is a crime these days!
So did Justin Bieber die? I seriously don't believe so, or else it would dominate the news and net searches. There's no Justin Bieber dead on TMZ stories, and their last article on him was this one about Justin and Miley hanging out for a night. So the little guy responsible for bringing us hits like "Baby" has not been reported dead. The young singing sensation is still alive and well, ready to make more great music for the fans! Follow Justin on Twitter here.