Justin Bieber arrested?

Justin Bieber was arrested by the police when he tried to go out with his pal around 2 am in the morning.

I dont see whats wrong in that. He is a teenager, life will be very fun for him now. I think police think the other way.
However,this incident brought out the wrath of his parents against him lol.
This is what Justin confessed to Pops magazine, “I snuck out once. My friend slept over and we were like, ‘Let’s go out.’ We just went biking and were being stupid but we weren’t doing anything bad.”
“But the police saw us and brought me back home, because there was a curfew on the area! It was two in the morning and I got grounded for a month! That’s the worse trouble I’ve ever been in.”

source: http://www.thfire.com
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